Ballet–Umbrella - Souvenirs

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Availability: In Stock

Product Code: Z011

Zan's Gifts, Ballet–Umbrella Gifts, Custom Ballet–Umbrella, Promotional Ballet–Umbrella, Advertising Ballet–Umbrella

Company Gifts, Corporate Gifts, Souvenirs, Advertising Gifts, Custom Gifts, Promotional Gifts, Business Gifts, Gifts Company, Premium Gifts

Tags:  Household WareSouvenirsCorporate GiftsGiftsGifts IdeasPremium GiftsGiveaways

What is better than dancing in the rain?

The tip of the umbrella is shaped like a ballerina’s shoe.Instead of tapping your umbrella, tap dance to it! A puddle could be the Swan Lake with your imagination.

Product Details
Product Size 89 CM Canopy: 23″ x 8K
Material PVC
Product Color Pink/Black
Product Net Weight 385g

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