Creative Heart-Shaped Snack Tray - Souvenir

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Availability: In Stock

Product Code: S22890

Creative Heart-Shaped Snack Tray禮品

公司禮品, 企業禮品, 紀念品, 廣告贈品, 禮品訂造, 禮品公司, 宣傳贈品, 商務禮品, 推廣禮品

Tags:  Creative Heart-Shaped Snack TrayHousehold Products訂造禮品禮品紀念品贈品宣傳贈品公司禮品Corporate GiftsSouvenirGiftsGiveaways

Souvenir NameCreative Heart-Shaped Snack Tray
Product Size18x20CM
Available ColorBlue
Sample Lead Time8Days
Production Lead Time15Days

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